Crisis and Context

March 26, 2021

Crisis and Context

Geometric illustration

On March 13, 2021, the University World News published “Why arts and humanities are vital to post-COVID recovery,” an article written by Global Arts + Humanities Discovery Theme Faculty Director Wendy S. Hesford.

In the article, Hesford outlines the central role that integrated arts and humanities methods play in addressing crises and the need for cross-disciplinary research and contextual thinking. The article also details GAHDT's Innovative Interventions: rapid-response research grants designed to enable scholars and practitioners to bring the insights and methods of the arts and humanities to respond to emergent and enduring challenges.

Excerpt from "Why arts and humanities are vital to post-COVID recovery"

"As critical societal challenges of great consequence and complexity unfold, from the global pandemic and inequities in access to healthcare, to global warming and forced migration, to authoritarianism and the breakdown of democratic institutions, the arts and humanities have a critical role to play. 

As modes of inquiry, the arts and humanities help us to understand these crises and their contexts and translate knowledge into solutions for social impact. If universities are to play a leading role in fostering cultural understanding and advancing democracy and social justice – especially at moments of great uncertainty – they must invest in research and creative practices that provide insight into the human dimensions of these pressing challenges. 

Integrated arts and humanities methods and practices are central to this equation. They provide indispensable tools for understanding our geopolitical and historical place in the world, methods that foreground deep observation, listening and empathy and skills to communicate diverse viewpoints and imaginative possibilities. Significantly, they cultivate the compassion that drives social change." 
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