One of our Co-PIs Professor Richard Fletcher will be hosting a monthly radio show on the Columbus-based community internet radio site Verge.fm called dear fellow settler colonizer,. It will run once a month from January through May of 2021.
The show will explore the transformative work of contemporary global Indigenous artists from the explicitly problematic perspective of the settler colonizer. By critically examining our complicity in ongoing structures of colonial violence, the show offers tools for settler colonizers to engage with Indigenous art-making beyond positions of exploitation, appropriation and other harmful moves to innocence. In each episode, I will be joined by Cannupa Hanska Luger, concept artist of STTLMNT: Indigenous Digital Occupation. For more information and resources, visit Professor Fletcher's website MinusPlato site, where you can find more information on the topics for each episode.
January: How can a settler colonizer engage with contemporary Indigenous artists & their work?
February: How can a settler colonizer be an accomplice for Indigenous artists?
March: focus on Potu faitautusi: Faiāʻoga o gagana e, ia uluulumamau! Be Courageous, Language Teachers! Reading Room, organized by Léuli Eshrāghi at Columbus Printed Arts
April: How can settlers transform institutions (e.g. museums, universities) from within?
May: How can settlers change their relationship to the internet as a space for Indigenous artists?