Ohio Prison Education Exchange Project | Reentry Simulation

Event poster
September 9, 2024
2:00PM - 4:00PM
Hale Black Cultural Center (MLK Auditorium)

Date Range
2024-09-09 14:00:00 2024-09-09 16:00:00 Ohio Prison Education Exchange Project | Reentry Simulation During this reentry simulation, participants will walk in the shoes of a person returning to their community after a period of incarceration. At the beginning of the simulation, each participant will receive a “life card,” outlining their background, current living situation and employment conditions, alongside a number of tasks they need to complete to avoid re-incarceration. Throughout the simulation, participants will work to accomplish these tasks by moving through a number of stations, such as the DMV, Probation Court, earning their GED, the bank, employers, social services agencies, transportation needs and more. The simulation will end with a debriefing session to further educate participants on the challenges and barriers facing individuals who are coming back from incarceration to their communities. Hale Black Cultural Center (MLK Auditorium) Global Arts and Humanities globalartsandhumanities@osu.edu America/New_York public

During this reentry simulation, participants will walk in the shoes of a person returning to their community after a period of incarceration. 

At the beginning of the simulation, each participant will receive a “life card,” outlining their background, current living situation and employment conditions, alongside a number of tasks they need to complete to avoid re-incarceration. Throughout the simulation, participants will work to accomplish these tasks by moving through a number of stations, such as the DMV, Probation Court, earning their GED, the bank, employers, social services agencies, transportation needs and more. 

The simulation will end with a debriefing session to further educate participants on the challenges and barriers facing individuals who are coming back from incarceration to their communities.