Society of Fellows | Graduate Student Roundtable: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Environmental Problems

Illustrated composition
May 5, 2021
12:00PM - 1:15PM

Date Range
2021-05-05 12:00:00 2021-05-05 13:15:00 Society of Fellows | Graduate Student Roundtable: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Environmental Problems In celebration of its inaugural Society of Fellows cohort, the Global Arts + Humanities is holding a series of roundtables led by our graduate student research grant recipients. For these events, graduate students will come together to discuss how cross-disciplinary collaborations and methodologies have shaped their research and creative practices in the area of human rights.In Roundtable One | Land/Body/Text: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Environmental Injustice, panelists will discuss historical and persisting issues of environmental injustice. Topics will include:Cold War-era Rockefeller Foundation agricultural grants (in what was then Rhodesia)Insights from diplomatic archives concerning French nuclear tests in the 1960s and uncertainty around the ramifications of these testsPresent-day coalitional activist efforts against the petrochemical industry in “Cancer Alley”Louisiana through Black women’s digital storytellingChildren’s right to water and the use of their voices in empirical research and policy concerning water insecurity.Across these contexts, the panelists will discuss what we can gain from interdisciplinary methodological considerations of environmental injustice. PanelistsFungisai Musoni (AAS), Steven Rhue (Anthropology), Leyla Tiglay (History), Jordan Woodward (English)ModeratorProfessor Tristram McPherson (Philosophy) Zoom America/New_York public

In celebration of its inaugural Society of Fellows cohort, the Global Arts + Humanities is holding a series of roundtables led by our graduate student research grant recipients. For these events, graduate students will come together to discuss how cross-disciplinary collaborations and methodologies have shaped their research and creative practices in the area of human rights.

In Roundtable One | Land/Body/Text: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Environmental Injustice, panelists will discuss historical and persisting issues of environmental injustice. Topics will include:

  • Cold War-era Rockefeller Foundation agricultural grants (in what was then Rhodesia)
  • Insights from diplomatic archives concerning French nuclear tests in the 1960s and uncertainty around the ramifications of these tests
  • Present-day coalitional activist efforts against the petrochemical industry in “Cancer Alley”
  • Louisiana through Black women’s digital storytelling
  • Children’s right to water and the use of their voices in empirical research and policy concerning water insecurity.

Across these contexts, the panelists will discuss what we can gain from interdisciplinary methodological considerations of environmental injustice. 


Fungisai Musoni (AAS), Steven Rhue (Anthropology), Leyla Tiglay (History), Jordan Woodward (English)


Professor Tristram McPherson (Philosophy)