Elvia Andía Grágeda: The World’s First Certified OPI Tester For Quechua

We would like to spotlight Professor Elvia Andía Grágeda, the Quechua instructor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the Ohio State University, who in 2019 became first American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)-certified Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) tester for Quechua, or indeed any indigenous American language. You can read more about this great accomplishment, the importance of teaching and learning indigenous languages like Quechua and about Ohio State's Quechua program by visiting the following sites: a 2019 recap of Professor Grágeda's accomplishment; the main webpage for the Quechua Learning Community at Ohio State; and our event post (and subsequent video) on the 2019 Quechua Alliance conference that brought together scholars from the six U.S. colleges and universities which teach this indigenous Andean language.