K'acha Willaykuna Exhibition- Dancing with Devils: Mask Traditions of Latin America

The K’acha Willaykuna Knowledge Equity and Legacy Preservation Working Group, led by Co-PIs Pamela Espinosa de los Monteros (Latin American, Iberian and Latinx Studies Librarian) and Eric Johnson (Curator of Thompson Special Collections) partnered with University Libraries’ Exhibit Coordinator Ken Aschliman and Senior Exhibitions Preparator Justin Luna to convert the “Dancing with Devils: Mask Traditions of Latin America” exhibit into an online format. The exhibit, set to display on campus at Thompson Library and at the Lakewood Public Library in Cleveland, was postponed in the spring due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The online exhibit will feature newly acquired masks donated by OSU alumnus Mark Gordon to the Andean and Amazonian Indigenous Art and Cultural Artifacts Collection and select photographs by OSU Lecturer and multimedia photojournalist specializing in visual storytelling, Leonardo Carrizo. A virtual curator’s tour is planned for winter 2020.
Please view Mark Gordon’s CLAS Virtual Coffee talk about his experiences collecting the masks and his research in Latin America here (Access Password: 4C@$RABe) and Leonardo Carrizo’s time lapse video of his preparation of the masks for exhibit here. A special shout out to student curators Brandon D’Souza and Frances Dillon for their work selecting, cleaning and preparing the masks for exhibit.