Archives at Ohio State

Archives at Ohio State

"Critical approaches to archives not only reveal how power is imbricated in archival theory and practice but seek to create a transformative praxis that liberates rather than oppresses."

Michelle Caswell

The following is an unofficial archive of archives at The Ohio State University. This resource was compiled by the Global Arts + Humanities Discovery Theme to champion and promote these invaluable resources in accordance with our 2022-23 Society of Fellows theme: Archival Imaginations. This theme explores the conventions that value certain archives and ways of knowing (and not others), thereby revealing the incompleteness of the historical record and enabling more diverse perspectives.

This is a living resource; if we have omitted an archive, please email us at globalartsandhumanities@osu, and we will add it to the list. 

Agricultural Technical Institute (ATI)

Columbus campus 

Lima campus 

Mansfield campus

Marion campus

Newark campus

Wooster campus


Are there other archives that should be added to this list? Email