K'acha Willaykuna Andean and Amazonian Indigenous Art and Humanities

K'acha Willaykuna Andean and Amazonian Indigenous Art and Humanities

In Quechua, art is defined as k’acha willaykuna, “messages with beauty,” which embody meaningfully-made and knowledgeably-made things

Quechuapiqa, runap ruwayninqa k’acha willayjinata riqsinchik, “kusiy willaykuna kanku”, ayllu runap ruwayninqa tukuy sunquwan wakichisqa kachkan


Get Involved | Yanaparikuy

Follow our events, participate in one of our working groups, join us for Our Distance Unlearning Hour which during Winter 2021 will be held every Friday from 1:00-2:00pm on Zoom, get involved in graduate/undergraduate K’acha Willaykuna project research and/or propose one of your classes for a teaching cluster. Also, view our recent events and meetings on our YouTube channel!

We welcome your involvement in the K'acha Willaykuna community! Click here to subscribe to the K'acha Willaykuna listserv or email Michelle Wibbelsman (wibbelsman.1@osu.edu) with questions.


Recent News

Abstract graphic with series title

FLIGHTS PATHS | Not So "Soft" Skills

Graduate alumni are using their skills in many lines of work. Career allies can support graduate students as they discern what career path is right for them. "Flight Paths" is a series of alumni…

Abstract illustration

IMPACT STORY: Care | Culture | Justice Symposium

On December 6, 2024, over 80 faculty, students and community members from city government and public schools participated in the Society of Fellows symposium: Care | Culture | Justice. …

Abstract graphic with series title

FLIGHT PATHS | The Benefits of Community-Engaged Experiences for Graduate Career Exploration

Graduate alumni are using their skills in many lines of work. Career allies can support graduate students as they discern what career path is right for them. “Flight Paths” is series of alumni…
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FLIGHT PATHS | Building Transferable Skills

Graduate alumni are using their skills in many lines of work. Career allies can support graduate students as they discern what career path is right for them. “Flight Paths” is series of alumni…

Upcoming Events

People dancing
March 18 - March 22, 2025
Smiling woman
March 24, 2025

An Evening with Loretta Ross

WOSU Ross Community Studio (1800 N Pearl St)